Wondrous journey
"Wondrous Journey" unfolds a narrative of harmony between the enormity of the deep blue and the delicate beauty of nature's bounty. The flowers, like colorful constellations, add a touch of magic to the aquatic realm, turning the whale's journey into a poetic dance between strength and fragility.
The painting captures the feeling of a dream, as the whale swims through a sea of beautiful flowers, inspiring you to embark on your own magical odyssey of imagination and wonder.
Original painting. Oil over mixed media on a gallery wrapped canvas.
Size: 36”x24”
"Wondrous Journey" unfolds a narrative of harmony between the enormity of the deep blue and the delicate beauty of nature's bounty. The flowers, like colorful constellations, add a touch of magic to the aquatic realm, turning the whale's journey into a poetic dance between strength and fragility.
The painting captures the feeling of a dream, as the whale swims through a sea of beautiful flowers, inspiring you to embark on your own magical odyssey of imagination and wonder.
Original painting. Oil over mixed media on a gallery wrapped canvas.
Size: 36”x24”
"Wondrous Journey" unfolds a narrative of harmony between the enormity of the deep blue and the delicate beauty of nature's bounty. The flowers, like colorful constellations, add a touch of magic to the aquatic realm, turning the whale's journey into a poetic dance between strength and fragility.
The painting captures the feeling of a dream, as the whale swims through a sea of beautiful flowers, inspiring you to embark on your own magical odyssey of imagination and wonder.
Original painting. Oil over mixed media on a gallery wrapped canvas.
Size: 36”x24”