Celestial tales
"Celestial Tales" draws inspiration from ancient myths and childhood wonder, where whales were imagined as cosmic guardians, holding the mysteries of the universe. This piece embodies the whale as more than a sea creature - it’s a symbol of stability, wisdom, and the timeless stories that shape us. Through layered textures and vibrant colors, this painting invites you on an inner journey, exploring life’s wonders and the sense of protection we all seek in our worlds.
Original painting. Oil over mixed media on canvas. Comes with the certificate.
Size: 48”x30”
"Celestial Tales" draws inspiration from ancient myths and childhood wonder, where whales were imagined as cosmic guardians, holding the mysteries of the universe. This piece embodies the whale as more than a sea creature - it’s a symbol of stability, wisdom, and the timeless stories that shape us. Through layered textures and vibrant colors, this painting invites you on an inner journey, exploring life’s wonders and the sense of protection we all seek in our worlds.
Original painting. Oil over mixed media on canvas. Comes with the certificate.
Size: 48”x30”
"Celestial Tales" draws inspiration from ancient myths and childhood wonder, where whales were imagined as cosmic guardians, holding the mysteries of the universe. This piece embodies the whale as more than a sea creature - it’s a symbol of stability, wisdom, and the timeless stories that shape us. Through layered textures and vibrant colors, this painting invites you on an inner journey, exploring life’s wonders and the sense of protection we all seek in our worlds.
Original painting. Oil over mixed media on canvas. Comes with the certificate.
Size: 48”x30”